Friday, June 20, 2008

yeah. today was feeb's birthday. ((:
happy birthday hunny. and yes you mean ALOT to me. and now you know it. rofl.
bestie rocks man.

met jy and amanda at parkway and like they waited while i did my hair. rofl i owe you one like a beeeg beeegg beeeeeeeeeeeeeg favour.then met dev and zehui at my bus stop. and then walked in.

feebs cried. haha. MISSION SUCCESS!! ((:

uh. then morgan and his friends came over. and wth. they tried to murder my rabbit. ): only one nice someone, and that makes me happy and gooey in the stomach. -sigh.i'm sad and emo but like at the same time i'm like just incredibly happy.

then we went swimming. (: haha. was fun mann. but all th photos were like shit cause we were in the water. hair like cock like that. ROFL. oh then we started playing with alex's hair. omfg. i swear. his hair is damn cute lah. look like small boyy.

after bathing and getting ourselves pretty again ((: rofl , we went to parkway to eatt. haha. pigs lah.finally decided on mos burger. AND OMG. i swear. alex told this 30 MINUTE joke WHICH TURNED OUT TO BE AMAZINGLY RETARDED.sigh. wonder why we listen to that right bestie?

anyways. PUBLIC APOLOGYY.i know you're NEVER going to read this but like I'M REALLY REALLY REEALLLYY LIKE OMFGOSHING-LY SORRY FOR THE THING ON YOUR SHIRT. )): -sniff sniff. cant believe you were so nice about it. makes me feel worse lah.nyehh. so yes. really sorry ya??


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